So a lot has happened since I last updated with my writing adventures. Graduate school ultimately got put on the back burner as my partner and I moved to Montana so she can finish her BA at the University of Montana. I also got a financial reality check with the moving costs and getting her set up for school so for the time being I have put off my graduate school applications. I have also clarified my goals. I will apply to UM's MFA program for the academic year of 2013 so I can stay close to home and maintain some semblance of married living. Online or distance programs may also be of interest but I need to do more research on how those programs are structured. Working online I already feel largely tethered to my computer so the thought of completing a MFA online seems fairly daunting.
In other news I have made a significant (I hope) breakthrough on my current manuscript. My work has been largely stalled because of a lack of scientific knowledge about infectious diseases and the like. Fortunately, picking up "The Devil in the Freezer" has given me new information and ideas on how to continue finishing up my manuscript. Hopefully this will lead to the ACTUAL COMPLETION of my manuscript as one of my 2012 resolutions is to finish, revise, and submit my manuscript for representation. Whew! ... it is almost done though so it is completely possible for me to get my buttocks in gear and do this.
Wish me (and my buttocks) luck!