Monday, February 7, 2011

Publishing Articles

So I've been introduced to the "world of writing for money" via a handy article on Squidoo:

I highly recommend it -- it helped me make contacts with several websites where I could register and begin writing content. Associated Content through Yahoo! was my first stop. I decided to write a "test" article on a subject I was familiar with: rabbit as a good source of meat. Imagine my surprise when they published it! Granted it was a decent article but I had not hoped to have such instant fortune. Not that the pay would equal fortune of any kind but the pittance was encouraging! Of course, it was then reviewed again and they pulled their offer because I didn't cite my source correctly. But a quick edit and it was accepted once more. The forum appears to be extremely helpful and filled with people very familiar with the process. Writing articles is not nearly as fun as writing fiction but they don't take long and could build into a humble income with some dedication. Here's the article for those who are interested:
Rabbit: It's What's for Dinner

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